Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Arrival of Addison

So for the last couple months of my pregnancy Dr. Anderson has been talking to us about possiblity of me having to have a c-section, which really made me more nervous about having the baby but at this point it was to late to turn back now. On Tuesday October 20th was my 40 week appointment we meet with the doctor and it come down to I was going to have a c-section on THURSDAY!! Dr. Anderson called over to the hospital and made all the arrangement. It was getting so real, Dano and I are going to be parents in 2 days and I have to have a c-section. How much sleep do you think I got those last 2 nights? Well it was Thursday morning and I had to be at the hospital at 5:30 am. We arrived, got checked in, and I was hooked up to all the machines which was a joke trying to get my IV in after 6 times, then here comes the doctors about 7:30 to walk me back to the operating room and told Dano to suit up they would be back to get him in a minute. So back in this cold little operating room I sit nervously getting the spinal block, when I can just start to feel everything run down to my legs and then down I lay. I'm laying there on the table just listening to everyone talk when I hear them say "go get the husband" I knew it must be time. Dano sitting up by my head, 15 minutes of us chatting and listening to the doctors, out came Addison. It was the best feeling in the world to hear the doctors tell Daniel to come look at your healthy 8 lb 20 in baby girl and hearing that first cry. Now the worst part was Dano got to carry her down to the nursery and help get her all cleaned up, while I lay there for another 30 minutes getting stiched up. Finally after that long 30 minutes they wheel me back to my room and nobody is there to see me anymore there all at the nursery looking at Addison. As I'm lying in bed waiting to see and hold my little girl my IV pops out of my arm, blood is squirting all over my gown, I'm getting nauseaed and start vomitting they can't give my any medicine because there once again fighting to get my IV back in. So finally after 2 hours from when Addison was born I finaly got to hold her and enjoy the feeling of being a mommy. But all in all the c-section wasn't really as bad as I thought it was going to be. I think the nurses trying to get my IV's in was the worst part and of course the long period in between Addy being born and me getting to hold her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah for Addy. Glad you made it through everything ok!