Monday, November 15, 2010

Zoo 2010

On Labor Day we took Addy to the zoo. She loved the animals, I think her favorite was the monkeys. There was this one monkey that kept putting his hands on the window pane and I think he was playing peek a boo with her. It was super cute.

Archery Hunt 2010

Addy & I went camping/hunting with Daniel for a few days on the archery hunt. Daniel bought Addy a Camo shirt just for this so we had to go, but it was alot of fun. She really had fun playing in the dirt, riding 4 wheelers, eating watermelon, and swinging in the tree swing. Daniel didn't get his deer while we were there but he did end up getting one a few days later.

Monday, November 1, 2010

FuN in the PaRk!!

We have heard so much about the new park out at Summit Ridge, so one night when we were watching Ryker we decided to take the kids out there to try it out. It was a really nice park big play area with slides, monkey bars, swings, crawl spaces, and even a water fountain for the kids to play in. We let them do most everything expect the water fountain it was a little to late and cold. I think there very favorite thing to do was sit in the bark and put it on the slide. Yes even Daniel was having a good ole time.