Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Lake Powell 09

I know this was a few months back, but anyway I don't ever remember having to dress so warm when we go to Lake Powell. We usually go in September but with me being pregnant and due in October I thought it was cutting it a liltte close. So we went over Memorial Day weekend and it rained all but about 3 hours the whole time we were there. We ended up cutting our trip short and coming home early. We took our trailer down this year instead of just staying on the boat the whole time. With all the rain and the water raising so fast we had to keep moving our trailer. Finally Saturday morning we woke up to down pour rain and our trailer was sinking in the mud, we decided that we just better get the heck out of there. I wish I had some pictures to show of all the water covering our camping spot but we were in a hurry getting things laid down in the trailer and getting the truck hooked on. We had to stay in 4 wheel drive just to get out of the wholes and up this slick hill, we made it with only bending our stairs trying to get up the hill and staying out of the rutts. Here are a few pictures that I was able to get when it wasn't raining and was able to get on the boat for a little bit anyway.

Dano & Matt we just covered in mud, I tried getting a picture of that but whwn we got up to the parking lot the rain had washed most of it off.

New Look

It was time to finally put tile down in the kitchen and bathroom, and let me tell what a difference it has made!!
We had Daniel's friend Chad do it for us. (I highly recomend him to anyone). Him and Daniel has went to town and got it done this week. It looks really nice. Thanks Guys!! Oh yeah I can't forget to thank Bosley for helping rip out the old floor.
This is before
It's getting there.
And this is after!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

It's getting so REAL!!

I think know matter how far along I get, I'm still pretty nevrous about what's going inside my belly. I have been getting asked by a lot of people if I have felt her move yet, which I hadn't so then I was really freaking myself out thinking that I should of by now. But then came Monday night Dano and I were both laying on the couch resting and I had my hand on my stomach, when all of a sudden I felt a kick. It was kind of trippy at first and I wasn't quite sure if that really just happened. I didn't say anything to Daniel I just grabbed his hand and put it on my stomach. She also kicked at his hand, he hurried and removed his hand from my stomach asking me "what the hell was that, did you just fart" I was laughing so hard trying to tell him that he just got kicked by our little girl. He then realized that was pretty cool and now he's always feeling my stomach trying to see if she'll do it again.
Tuesday night we had to go back for another ultrasound. (If you remember the first she wouldn't turn over). This second one was alot better she had turned over, we were able to see her profile, check the heart, and all the other important things. The doctor says that everything
looks really good.